Member Profile

The Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank ltd.

Name of the SCARDB: The Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank ltd.
Address: Block No-3D, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla – 171 009
Telephone No.: 0177-2621137, 2621437, 2623837
Chairman: Shri Sanjay Singh Chauhan
Mobile: 9418400033
Managing Director: Shri Sachin Kanwal
Telephone: 9418480003

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of PCARDB Branches 30 30 30
2. Membership at Ground Level 95872 96122 114942
3. Loans Issued 10561.60 11663.14 11010.53
4. Loans Outstanding 35653.28 37598.71 42425.35
5. Staff
i. SCARDBs 162 179 172
ii. PCARDBs 53 57 54
6. Total Paid up Capital 2664.29 2769.01 2869.34
7. Free Reserves 1792.75 1792.75 1781.75
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 284.92 261.59 254.05
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 19404.87 21083.26 21653.96
- Collection 6685.59 7050.05 6209.54
- Balance 12719.18 14033.21 15444.42
- Recovery (%) 34.45 33.44 28.68
NR – Not Reported.

Contact Us : 022-40004969/40004970