Member Profile

Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Dev. Bank Ltd

Name of the SCARDB: Gujarat State Co-Operative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd.
Address: 489, Ashram Road, Opp. Nehru Bridge Corner, Ahmedabad – 380 009
Email: info@qscardbank.orq
Telephone Nos: 079-26585365,26585370,26585371
Chairman: Shri Dollarrai V. Kotecha
Mobile: 9924118900
Managing Director: Shri K. B. Upadhyay, I.A.S(Retd.)
Mobile: 7069029988

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of Branches 176 176 176
2. Membership at Ground Level 294712 293211 293285
3. Loans Issued 15128.33 27553.15 37336.67
4. Loans Outstanding 55043.07 64239.05 83458.85
5. Staff
i. SCARDBs 282 624 598
ii. PCARDBs - - -
6. Total Paid up Capital 4263.48 4707.29 5291.28
7. Free Reserves 24802.97 27675.39 27675.70
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 62.51 62.54 NR
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 58625.72 61514.45 58103.85
- Collection 19079.34 27663.22 28243.66
- Balance 39546.38 33851.23 29860.19
- Recovery (%) 32.54 44.97 48.61
NR – Not Reported.

Contact Us : 022-40004969/40004970