Member Profile

Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd.

Name of the SCARDB: Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd.,
Address – No.181, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004.
Email: /
Website: Not Reported
Telephone No.: 044 24993854
Managing Director: Shri. M. Murugan, Additional Registrar
Mobile: 7338850010

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of PCARDBs 180 180 180
2. Membership at Ground Level 1266666 1672713 1487529
3. Loans Issued 76744.83 105536.34 108826.51
4. Loans Outstanding 73310.57 86085.39 115094.97
5. Staff
i. SCARDBs 118 117 109
ii. PCARDBs 435 415 453
6. Total Paid up Capital 5255.10 5277.60 5277.60
7. Free Reserves 8148.31 17257.69 17257.69
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 22.74 39.10 NR
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 121286.62 132580.86 149666.30
- Collection 94169.24 124759.13 142235.93
- Balance 27117.38 7821.73 7430.37
- Recovery (%) 77.64 94.10 95.03
NR – Not Reported.

Contact Us : 022-40004969/40004970