Member Profile

The Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural Development Bank Ltd.

Name of the SCARDB: The Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural Development Bank Ltd.
Address: S.C.O 51-54, Bank Square, Sector- 17-B Chandigarh – 160017
Website: Not Reported
Telephone Nos. 0172 2705834,5011708
Chairman: CA Suresh Kumar Goyal
Mobile: 9815842233
Managing Director: Smt. Barjinder Kaur Bajwa, Addl. RCS
Mobile: 9878670005

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of PCARDBs 89 89 89
2. Membership at Ground Level 835277 834268 832480
3. Loans Issued 9256.10 507.22 0.00
4. Loans Outstanding 205861.91 186926.34 161779.73
5. Staff
i. SCARDBs 173 112 121
ii. PCARDBs 581 594 536
6. Total Paid up Capital 7888.15 7888.15 7888.15
7. Free Reserves 23438.81 46240.28 NR
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 15.12 32.96 NR
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 131715.32 267090.94 272914.89
- Collection 55539.23 38348.95 30745.14
- Balance 76176.09 228741.99 242169.75
- Recovery (%) 42.17 14.36 11.27
NR – Not Reported.

Contact Us : 022-40004969/40004970