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In furtherance of above objects, the Federation undertakes the following activities:-

  • To organise Conferences, Conventions, Seminars, Workshops etc. and to constitute Committees, Sub Committees, Working Groups, Study Teams etc. relating to business operations and matters of common interest to members.

  • To strive for the promotion of interests of the members and to establish contacts with the Government of India, State Governments, Planning Commission, Reserve Bank of India, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, National Housing Bank, National Cooperative Development Corporation, State Bank of India and other Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks, National Cooperative Union of India and other National level Federations and other institutions and give expression to the common view points of the member banks.

  • To collect statistics and to assimilate and compile them in suitable form and disseminate the knowledge and experience gathered wherefrom.

  • To purchase or acquire buildings and premises for housing its office and other movable and immovable property for the conduct of its business.

  • To appoint necessary staff for the conduct of its business.

  • To acquire membership of cooperative and other connected institutions and associations at national and international levels.

  • To promote and run center/institute for undertaking staff training and management development programme and other incidental activities including research.

  • To secure requisite facilities/assistance and financial aids from the Govt. or other sources both from within the country and outside or itself, member banks and others.

  • To subscribe to the shares of cooperatives and other institutions.

  • To administer and manage financial schemes, insurance schemes, sinking fund investments including surplus fund investments and to enter into such contracts/agency arrangements as may be necessary for that purpose.

  • To undertake such income generating activities either directly or through subsidiaries or joint ventures which are considered necessary for attainment of any or all of the above said objectives and.

  • To do all such things and take necessary steps as are incidental or conducive to the attainment..

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