
Member Information : Operations

General Information

At present the structure comprises of 16 SCARDBs of which only 13 are fully functional with a network of 1,868 PCARDBs/branches of SCARDBs at ground level. These banks have a total membership of 1,02,79,500 rural households of which 32,93,559 have outstanding loans. The Total Loans Outstanding and Borrowings Outstanding of these banks as on 31.03.2024 were `21,474.16 crores and `12,219.44 crores respectively. Fully functional SCARDBs have total deposits of `2,259.51 crores as on 31.3.2024 as against `2,222.72 crores as on 31.3.2023. Their total lending during 2023-24 stood at `5,616.59 crores as against `5,429.43 crores during the previous year. Aggregate recoveries were 41.07% (As on 31 March 2024) as against 41.21% last year.


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